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Gossec L, Cukierman G, Saraux A, Chauvin P, Poussière M, Saulot V, Russo-Marie F, Joubert JM, Hudry C, Berenbaum F. Lifestyle beliefs of 672 patients with rheumatoid arthritis or axial spondyloarthritis. ISPOR 19th Annual European Congress, Vienna, 29 October-2 November 2016. Value Health 2016; 19(7): A472.

Gossec L, Saraux A, Chauvin P, Poussière M, de Chalus T, Saulot V, Russo-Marie F, Joubert JM. Lifestyle beliefs of 672 patients with rheumatoid arthritis or axial spondyloarthritis. EULAR 2016, London, 8-11 June 2016. Ann Rheum Dis 2016; 75: 417.

Jolivet A, Rimbaud D, Restrepo M, Louison A, Lambert V, Carles G. Intoxication au plomb chez la femme enceinte dans l’Ouest guyanais : émergence d’un problème de santé publique. VIIe Congrès International d’Épidémiologie "Épidémiologie et santé publique", Rennes, 7–9 septembre 2016. Rev Epidemiol Santé Publique 2016; 64(S4): S173.

Gossec L, Cukierman G, Chauvin P, Hudry C, Poussière M, Saulot V, Russo-Marie P, Joubert JM, Saraux A, Berenbaum F. High levels of fears of patients with rheumatoid arthritis or axial spondyloarthritis are associated with gender, disease activity, anxiety and depression: a cross-sectional study of 672 patients. ISPOR 19th Annual European Congress, Vienna, 29 October-2 . Value Health 2016; 19(7): A473-4.

Nuernberg M, Simonnot N, Vuillermoz C, Aranda E, Chauvin P. Health and access to care among vulnerable populations in Europe: Findings from the 2015 Doctors of the World International Network Observatory. 9th European Public Health Conference, Vienna, 9 -12 November 2016. Eur J Public Health 2016; 26(S1): 250-1.

Gossec L, Chauvin P, Hudry C, Poussière M, de Chalus T, Saulot V, Russo-Marie F, Joubert JM. Gender, disease, activity, anxiety and depression levels are related to the levelsof fears of patients with rheumatoid arthritis or axial spondyloarthritis: a cross sectional study of 672 patients. EULAR 2016, London, 8-11 June 2016. Ann Rheum Dis 2016; 75: 417-8..

Gossec L, Chauvin P, Hudry C, Cukierman G, Saulot V, Russo-Marie F, Joubert JM, de Chalus T, Saraux A, Berenbaum F. Etude des croyances liées aux modes de vie et leurs impacts sur la maladie chez 672 patients souffrant de polyarthrite rhumatoïde ou de spondyloarthrite axiale. 29ème Congrès Français de Rhumatologie, Paris, 11-12 décembre 2016. Rev Rhum 2016; 83(S1): A71-2.

Gossec L, Chauvin P, Hudry C, Cukierman G, Saulot V, Russo-Marie F, Joubert JM, de Chalus T, Saraux A, Berenbaum F. Elaboration et validation psychométrique d’un outil d’évaluation des craintes perçues par les patients souffrant de rhumatisme inflammatoire chronique : l’échelle « FAIR ». 29ème Congrès Français de Rhumatologie, Paris, 11-12 décembre 2016. Rev Rhum 2016; 83(S1): A133-4.

Menvielle G, Franck J, Stücker I and Luce D. Effets médiateurs du tabac et des expositions professionnelles dans la relation diplôme-cancer du poumon. Congrès international d’épidémiologie ADELF-EPITER. Rev Epidemiol Sante Publique 2016; 64(54): S183.

Araujo M, Franck J and Menvielle G. Déterminants contextuels du recours au dépistage du cancer du col de l'utérus chez les femmes en France en 2010. Congrès international d’épidémiologie ADELF-EPITER. Rev Epidemiol Sante Publique 2016; 64(54): S196.

Maj C, Rigal L, Panjo H, Gautier A, Menvielle G and Ringa V. Dépistage du cancer du col de l'utérus par les médecins génralistes en France: analyse multiniveau. Congrès international d’épidémiologie ADELF-EPITER. Rev Epidemiol Sante Publique 2016; 64(54): S189.

Bolze C & Melchior M. Consommation de cannabis à l’adolescence et niveau de diplôme atteint. VIIe Congrès International d'Épidémiologie "Épidémiologie et santé publique". Rev Epidemiol Sante Publique 2016; 64(S4): S179.

Gossec L, Chauvin P, Hudry C, Mathoret-Philibert F, Poussière M, de Chalus T, Russo-Marie F, Joubert JM, Saraux A, Berenbaum F. The most frequent fears and beliefs of 226 patients with rheumatoid arthritis or spondyloarthritis, using a novel questionnaire. EULA 2015, Roma, 10-13 June 2015. Ann Rheum Dis 2015; 74(Suppl2): 408.

Gregoraci G, Van Lenthe F, Peters F, Menvielle G, Looman C, Martikainen P, de Gelder R, Mackenbach JP. The contribution of smoking to socio-economic inequalities in mortality in 13 European countries. EUPHA conference. Milan, Italy, 14-17 October 2015. Eur J Public Health 2015; 25: ckv174.028.

Menvielle G, Franck J, Stücker I, Luce D. The contribution of occupational exposures to social inequalities in lung cancer risk, Icare study. EUPHA conference. Milan, Italy, 14-17 October 2015. Eur J Public Health 2015; 25: ckv171.077.

Darbeda S, Falissard B, Orri M, Barry C,Vandentorren S. The adaptive behavior of homeless children in Paris region, France, in 2013. 8th European Public Health Conference, Milan, 14-17 October 2015. Eur J Public Health 2015; 25(S3): 105.

Chauvin P, Vuillermoz C, Vicat M, Vanbiervliet F, Simonnot N. Taking action to rebuild: violence experienced by migrants consulting Doctors of the World in Europe. 8th European Public Health Conference, Milan, 14-17 October 2015. Eur J Public Health 2015; 25(S3): 135.

Robert S. Santé et recours aux soins des jeunes en insertion. Rev Epidemiol Sante Publique 2015; 2: 147.

Simonnot N, Chauvin P. Obstacles in access to care for children. 71st Congress of the Italian Society of Pediatrics, Rome, 4-6 June 2015. Ital J Pediatr 2015; 41(Suppl 2): A66.

Vuillermoz C, Vandentorren S, Roze M, Chauvin P. Not seeking healthcare pathways among homeless women living with children in Paris region in 2013. 8th European Public Health Conference, Milan, 14-17 October 2015. Eur J Public Health 2015; 25(S3): 105.

Simonnot N, Vuillermoz C, Vanbiervliet F, Vicat M, Chauvin P. Non-access to vaccinations for the vulnerable children received by Doctors of the World in Europe. 8th European Public Health Conference, Milan, 14-17 October 2015. Eur J Public Health 2015; 25(S3): 208.

Simonnot N, Vuillermoz C, Vanbiervliet F, Vicat M, Chauvin P. Non-access to prenatal care for the migrant pregnant women seen by Doctors of the World in Europe. 8th European Public Health Conference, Milan, 14-17 October 2015. Eur J Public Health 2015; 25(S3): 90.

Gregoraci G, Van Lenthe F, Peters F, Menvielle G, Martikainen P, Costa G, de Gelder R, Mackenbach JP. Long term trends in inequalities in smoking-attributable mortality in 6 European countries. EUPHA conference. Milan, Italy, 14-17 October 2015. Eur J Public Health 2015; 25: ckv174.054.

Robert S, Lesieur S, Kergoat V, Dutertre J, Chauvin P. Health and socioeconomic characteristics of young people not in employment, education or training in France in 2011. 8th European Public Health Conference, Milan, 14-17 October 2015. Eur J Public Health 2015; 25(S3): 276.

Vuillermoz C, Simonnot N, Vanbiervliet F, Vicat M, Chauvin P. Health and access to care in vulnerable populations in Europe: the 2014 Doctors of the World survey. 8th European Public Health Conference, Milan, 14-17 October 2015. Eur J Public Health 2015; 25(S3): 170.

Caillavet F, Kyureghian G, Nayga R, Ferrant C, Chauvin P. Does Healthy Food Access Matter in a French Urban Setting? The Role of Food Retail Structure. Allied Social Science Associations Annual Meeting, Boston, January 3-5 2015. Ageconsearch 2015; 195706: 1-27.

Gossec L, Saraux A, Hudry C, Mathoret-Philibert F, Poussière M, de Chalus T, Russo-Marie F, Joubert JM, Chauvin P, Berenbaum F. Development and validation of a questionnaire assessing the fears and beliefs of patients suffering from chronic rheumatic diseases. EULAR 2015, Roma, 10-13 June 2015. Ann Rheum Dis 2015; 74(Suppl2): 323.

Lefeuvre D, Delmas MC, Marguet C, Chauvin P, Vandentorren S. Asthma-like symptoms in homeless children in Paris in 2013. 8th European Public Health Conference, Milan, 14-17 October 2015. Eur J Public Health 2015; 25(S3): 312.

Lalanne C, Randrianomanana M, Carrieri PM, Dray-Spira R, Chassany O, Duracinsky M. Assessment of Hiv-Related Quality of Life in a Representative Sample Of French Patients using Multivariate Multi-Block Statistical Models. Value Health 2015; 18(7): A591.

Vandentorren S, Le Méner E, Oppenchaim N, Arnaud A, Jangal C, Caum C, Vuillermoz C, Martin-Fernandez J, Lioret S, Roze M, LeStrat Y, Guyavarch E. Sociodemographic characteristics and health of homeless families in the Paris region, France. 8th European Public Health Conference, Milan, 14-17 October 2015. Eur J Public Health 2015; 25(S3): 93.

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