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Leal C, Chaix B. Ego-centered neighborhood socioeconomic characteristics and obesity: revisiting the analyses in the RECORD cohort study using propensity score matching techniques. 43th Annual meeting of the Society for Epidemiologic Research, Seattle, USA, June 23-26 201. Am J Epidemiol 2010; 171: S51-S51.

Murcia M, Cohidon C, Niedhammer I. Différences selon le genre et différences sociales dans l’exposition aux facteurs psychosociaux au travail. IVème Congrès International d’Epidémiologie "Du Nord au Sud ». Marseille, 15-17 Septembre 2010. Revue d’Epidémiologie et Santé Publique 2010; 58(Suppl. 2): S53.

Roustit C, Grillo F, Lesieur S, Chauvin P. Determinants of the intergenerational transmission of social inequalities in mental health: psychosocial perspective or materialist perspective? 43rd Annual Society for Epidemiologic Research Meeting, Seattle, June 23-26, 2010. Am J Epidemiol 2010; 171: S94.

Cadot E, Martin J, Vallee J, Chauvin P. Built environment and obesity: a contextual analysis of a population based cohort in the metropolitan area of Paris (France). EuroEPI 2010, “Epidemiology and Public Health in an Evolving Europe” Florence (Italy), November 6-9 2010. Epidemiol Prev 2010; 34(S1): O49.

Leal C, Chaix B. Are obesity outcomes associated with neighborhood socioeconomic characteristics? Findings from the French RECORD Cohort Study. XI International Conference on Obesity, Stockholm, Sweden, 11-15 July, 2010. Obes Rev 2010; 11(S1): 330.

Niedhammer I, O\’Mahony D, Daly S, Morrison J, Kelleher C. Working conditions and pregnancy outcomes in the lifeways cohort. 56th Annual Meeting of the Society for Gynecologic Investigation. Glasgow, Mars 2009. Reproductive Sciences 2009; 16(3): 231A.

Cadot E, Roustit C, Renahy E, Chauvin P. Urban deprived environment and depression: contextual analysis of the SIRS cohort data, Paris metropolitan area, France, 2005. 7th International Conference on Urban Health, Vancouver, October 29-31, 2008. J Urban Health 2009; 86: 468.

Murrin C, Niedhammer I, Lotya J, O\’Hara M C, Morrison J, Daly S, Kelleher C. The relative influence of vitamin C and other nutrients on low birth weight in the lifeways cohort study. 49th American Heart Association Conference on Cardiovascular Disease Epidemiology and Prevention. Tampa, Mars 2009. Circulation 2009; 119(10): E357.

Roustit C, Chauvin P. The effect of neighborhood on adolescent psychosocial adjustment in Quebec. 7th International Conference on Urban Health, Vancouver, October 29-31, 2008. J Urban Health 2009; 86: 293.

Roustit C, Cadot E, Wynne H , Chauvin P. Social support and depression: results from the SIRS cohort study, Paris area, 2005-2007. 7th International Conference on Urban Health, Vancouver, October 29-31, 2008. J Urban Health 2009; 86: 493.

Leclerc A, Chastang J F, Kaniewski N, Cyr D, Descatha A. L’impact d’une étude épidémiologique en milieu de travail, quelle information apportent les citations ? 12ème Colloque de l’ADEREST. Besançon, 16-17 Mars. Archives des Maladies Professionnelles 2009; 70(6): 680.

Martin J, de Launay C, Grillo F, Chauvin P. Life events and conditions associated to overweight and obesity in adults: an analysis of the SIRS cohort data, Paris metropolitan area, France, 2005. 17th European congress on obesity, Amsterdam, 6-9 May 2009. Obesity Facts 2009; 2(S2): 125.

Martin J, Grillo F, Cadot E, Chauvin P. Immigration History and Obesity: Association of Parents Origin With Overweightness and Obesity in Paris Metropolitan Area, France. Obesity 2009, 27th annual scientific meeting of the obesity society, Washington DC, October 24-28, 2009. Obesity 2009; 17(S2): S231.

Martin J, Grillo F, Lesieur S, Chauvin P. Food insecurity tools for measuring a new determinant of obesity. 17th European congress on obesity, Amsterdam, 6-9 May 2009. Obesity Facts 2009; 2(S2): 127.

Luce D, Schmaus A, Cénée S, Cyr D, Menvielle G, Papadopoulos A, Paget-Bailly S, Guida F, Stücker I. Facteurs de risques professionnels des cancers respiratoires (l’étude ICARE) : protocole et description de la population d’étude. 12ème Colloque de l’ADEREST. Besançon, 16-17 Mars 2009. Archives des Maladies Professionnelles 2009; 70(6): 683.

Carton M, Cyr D, Schmaus A, Cénée S, Menvielle G, Papadopoulos A, Stücker I, Luce D. Facteurs de risques professionnels des cancers des voies aerodigestives supérieures chez les femmes. 12ème Colloque de l’ADEREST. Besançon, 16-17 Mars 2009. Archives des Maladies Professionnelles 2009; 70(6): 678.

Menvielle G, Boshuizen H, Kunst A E, Vineis P, Dalton S O, Bueno de Mesquita H B. Expositions professionnelles et inégalités sociales d’incidence du cancer du poumon chez les hommes. Résultats de la cohorte EPIC. 12ème Colloque de l’ADEREST. Besançon, 16-17 Mars 2009. Archives des Maladies Professionnelles 2009; 70(6): 675.

Cadot E, Chaix B, Martin J, Grillo F, Chauvin P. Effects of neighbourhood socioeconomic position and food environment on obesity: a contextual analysis of the SIRS cohort data, Paris metropolitan area, France, 2005.17th European congress on obesity, Amsterdam, 6-9 May 2009. Obesity Facts 2009; 2(S2): 101.

Chauvin P, Grillo F, Massari V, Cadot E. Absence of regular gynaecological follow-up in Paris metropolitan area: A mixture of both individual and neighbourhood socio-economic factors. 7th International Conference on Urban Health, Vancouver, October 29-31, 2008. J Urban Health 2009; 86: 461.

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